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Geocells cope with wind-sand foundation settlement and load-bearing performance

Author:okorderVisits:210 Time:2024-06-11 08:37:42

The settlement problem of aeolian sand foundation has always been a focus of attention in the field of civil engineering. Especially in infrastructure construction in special areas such as deserts, how to effectively control and reduce the settlement phenomenon is crucial. As a new type of synthetic material, geocells have shown significant effects in improving the bearing capacity of foundations due to their special three-dimensional network structure and good mechanical properties.

Geocells cope with wind-sand foundation settlement and load-bearing performance

Reinforcement Principles of Geocells

Geocells work by providing lateral confinement, reducing lateral movement of foundation materials, thereby increasing the load-bearing capacity of the subgrade. Under the action of concentrated load, the geocell can form lateral resistance through the lateral restriction of its wall and the reaction force of adjacent cells, as well as the friction between the filler and the cell wall, inhibiting the lateral movement tendency of the transition zone and passive zone. . This mechanism allows the geocell to effectively maintain the stability and load-bearing capacity of the structure even in the presence of large deformations.

Application of Geocells in Aeolian Sand Foundation

The application of geocells in aeolian sand foundations can improve the bearing capacity of the foundation by increasing the shear resistance of the subgrade material or inhibiting the movement of the three areas. Studies have shown that geocells can increase the apparent cohesion of wind-deposited sand, thereby significantly improving its strength. In addition, through model tests and numerical simulations, researchers found that geocells can form a raft effect and a net pocket effect in the foundation, spread the vertical load in the foundation, and effectively reduce the settlement of the foundation.

Improvement of bearing capacity of aeolian sand foundation by geocells

The application in actual projects has also confirmed that geocells can improve the load-bearing performance of wind-sand sand foundations. For example, in the design of transmission line tower foundations on aeolian sand foundations in the Golmud West Dadan Desert, significant results were obtained in experiments to enhance the bearing capacity of foundations in aeolian sand areas by laying out geocells. The test results show that when geocell reinforcement is used, the maximum vertical displacement of the foundation is reduced by 31%, the maximum horizontal displacement is reduced by 15%, and the safety factor is increased by 27%. This shows that the application of geocells can not only improve the load-bearing performance of aeolian sand foundations, but also reduce the amount of basic materials and the thickness of backfill soil, thereby reducing project costs.

Geocells cope with wind-sand foundation settlement and load-bearing performance

In summary, geocells play an important role in the settlement control and load-bearing performance improvement of wind-sand sand foundations through their unique reinforcement principles and excellent mechanical properties. Its application can not only effectively reduce the settlement of the foundation, but also improve the bearing capacity of the foundation, which is of great significance to ensure the safe and stable operation of infrastructure in desert areas.

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